Duck! and Gather

Archive for March 2007

My last blog posting was on January 29. That was 38 days ago. In those 38 days, I went from reading the first few chapters of a book (Agile Web Development With Rails), to having a deployed and running website that includes multiple data entry forms, rich text editing, AJAX-supported rating and commenting, searching and sorting of databases, and an online feedback system.

I’d like to claim that my personal brilliance explains all this. However, I must confess Ruby on Rails. What a system!

Thanks to Tom Brown of Here’s Tom With the Weather for turning me in that direction.

Well, we have our first couple of pre-alpha users on the site. And my life is getting back to some kind of normalcy. I might even have time for the odd blog posting, and even a minute to upload the bunch of podcasts I did over the past couple of months.

I would send you the URL of my new site except for two things:

  1. Ain’t nothing to see yet. We have the site behind a password screen until things are blowing up more predictably, and there’s actually a useful home page.
  2. This blog is being inundated by spammers. I even shut off commenting and they still come. Like the undead in one of those cheezy B horror movies. Haven’t had time to figure out how they’re defeating Askimet.

for the money has gone too far

Blog Stats

  • 10,511 hits
March 2007