Duck! and Gather

Archive for December 2010

Update 12/11/10: Not so beautiful after all … Obama calls WikiLeaks “deplorable”


In my last post, I said that Wikileaks is “the final exam for Obama. And he’s going to fail it.”

Well, on second thought, perhaps for the gazillionth time in my almost 48 years, I was being a tad hasty. You see, the Wikileaks story has dominated world headlines for almost 2 weeks. What is Obama saying about it?

Nada. Zilch. Squat.

The silence is deafening. Everyone is chiming in. Just not the guy with the single most important job in the world.

I’m loving the silence. Given the howling shrieks coming from both Left and Right in America against Wikileaks and Julian Assange, I’m reading that silence as meaning what I believe rests in the heart of the big O.

What is that? Listen carefully to the man’s words at the start of the following hilarious, intelligent YouTube clip:

As I’ve said before, I’m nervous about the future of America. Not so much because things are and will be getting much worse. But rather because of the prospect that we might not recover from it. I’m nervous that America will end.

The guts of this sentiment concerns Obama. He came in too early. McCain/Palin should have won in 2008, and driven the country completely off the cliff. Then Obama could have come in to save the day.

Instead, when the country inevitably falls off the cliff, Obama’s fingerprints will be on it.

And now we have Wikileaks. I’m not going to bore you with analysis. Just say that this is the final exam for Obama. And he’s going to fail it. And when he does, he’ll lose the left for good — the left that put him into office. And we’ll have President Palin taking the oath in January 2013. When that happens, kiss this beautiful nation goodbye.

Well, if that was unsatisfying, read the following:


for the money has gone too far

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December 2010